Welcome to St. George
We welcome you to worship with us today. Whether you are an Orthodox Christian or this is your first visit to an Orthodox Church, we are pleased to have you with us. Although Holy Communion and other sacraments are offered only to baptized and chrismated (confirmed) Orthodox Christians, all are invited to receive the antidoron (blessed bread) from the priest at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy. The antidoron is not sacramental, but is reminiscent of the agape feast that followed worship in the ancient Christian Church. If you are not an Orthodox Christian, and wish to receive a blessing in lieu of Holy Communion, approach the chalice with your arm folded across your chest and our priest will give you a blessing you.
After the Divine Liturgy this morning, please introduce yourself during our announcements period and join us for fellowship and refreshments in the activities center. You are invited to complete our visitor's form and place it in the offering tray, at the narthex candle stand as you leave the Church, or mail it to us. We hope that you will return often to worship with us, to grow in Christ and in our Orthodox Faith.
St. George Greek Orthodox Church
1719 Creswell Avenue
Shreveport, La 71101
Church Office: (318) 222-5225
Online Chapel
Paul of Thebes
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Paul of Thebes; John the Hut-Dweller; Pansophios the Martyr of Alexandria
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.